I've been studying the love poem, The Art of Love by Ovid in school, (a really really long poem!) and we were given a fun assignment. We had to create a form of satire using the techniques Ovid used in his works. Christina and i did a play and other groups did raps, brochures, talk shows etc. It was fun but hard at the same time cos there's a fine line between hyperbole/ satire and cheesy/ offensive. The satirical techniques also had to be appropriate to the form we were presenting it in like in a rap they were allowed to push the boundaries a little more than in a play. So i've posted a couple of presentations just for fun...this was definitely one of the more interesting assignments, a nice break from the usual essay assignments :)
Random pics during lunch that day, which happened to be my birthday and a very hot day so we decided to get out of the cafeteria and sit in a corridor before class:
Today was a blast...i went for the OFS Global Picnic for the first time and it was crazy awesome. The highlight for a person like me who's too scared to go on rides was definitely the food! Parents/ volunteers from over 80 countries cooked for more than 4000 students + their families/friends! The food was delish. So many different cultures, definitely a plus of attending an international school :) The place was packed, hard to get around and i kept on losing Tara whilst stopping to take pics but it was definitely worth it. Can't wait for next year's Global Picnic!
Look at all the cars in the front carpark of OFS!!
Teachers' table (Can you spot Mr William's & his son?)
THE METEORITE (it spins so fast!)
One of the bouncing castles...sadly they were only for elementary kids :(
Peformance by Taiwan (i think)
Performance by Korea
Performance by India...the kid on the drums is so tiny!
Performance by Sweden
Tara proudly posing in front of the Irish stall!
Tara & Ashling's momma (orange t-shirt) Love her Irish accent!