Saturday, May 14, 2011

Fun in English Class

I've been studying the love poem, The Art of Love by Ovid in school, (a really really long poem!) and we were given a fun assignment. We had to create a form of satire using the techniques Ovid used in his works. Christina and i did a play and other groups did raps, brochures, talk shows etc. It was fun but hard at the same time cos there's a fine line between hyperbole/ satire and cheesy/ offensive. The satirical techniques also had to be appropriate to the form we were presenting it in like in a rap they were allowed to push the boundaries a little more than in a play. So i've posted a couple of presentations just for fun...this was definitely one of the more interesting assignments, a nice break from the usual essay assignments :)

Random pics during lunch that day, which happened to be my birthday and a very hot day so we decided to get out of the cafeteria and sit in a corridor before class:



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